If it flys and I have taken an image of it will be here. Most of these images are from Florida, the amount of wildlife in Florida is amazing.
Some of the most unspoiled areas in the state are in the Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge, a 140,000 acre area established in 1963 and covers and extends beyond NASA’s John F. Kennedy Space Center. One area open to the public is “Black Point Drive”, where one can photograph wildlife form your vehicle or take on of the many trails, several of the images in this gallery “It Flys” were taken here. The refuge is habitat for more than 1,500 species of plants and animals.
Jetty Park and Port Canaveral just south of Cape Canaveral Air Force Station and home to the “Worlds 2nd Busiest Cruise Port” are an excellent spot to take photo’s, most of the birds are very acclimated to us humans and our cars, bicycles and golf carts, so they sometimes seem like they are posing.
The It Flys gallery requires a camera with a wide range of features and a telephoto lens with “reach”, most of the photos are achieved with 300mm to 800mm telephoto lens, a stable tripod equipped with a “Gimble” or “Ball” head.